putnam hill moments a place for my stuff

the world turned upsidedown

the demolition of my world

Toward the end of 2020, my father died. It was awful but expected.

Three weeks later, my other father died. I say other father because he taught me 1800th century rudimental drumming at a time when my parents were going through an ugly divorce. I was 11 years old. He became my mentor and later my father-in-law.

While feeling sorry for myself, I noticed that my cat Marcy had lost an alarming amount of weight. I took her to the vet who told me she had about a week to live. A definite diagnosis was not possible because their blood work machine was offline.

I took Marcy home and had 24 hours to self medicate with wine. The word came in that Marcy had stage 4 kidney failure. This was the straw that broke my back. The vet office prepared a kit for Marcy so I could give her subcutaneous fluid to keep her comfortable. I just had to pick it up.

The kit included appetite stimulant medicine. A nurse suggested that if we could get her to eat, we could get her on a kidney care diet.

I decided to pick up that kit for Marcy. I scooped up Mansfield and told him “we’re going to save your sister!”.

Later I find myself in the Williston police barracks being processed for DUI. All I accomplished was delaying Marcy’s comfort kit for a few days. The police report mentions that I had asked if Mansfield was ok.

Mansfield left us on 2022/10/20. He was so brave about it. I’m very proud of him. I believe he’s an Angel. Maybe we all are.