putnam hill moments a place for my stuff

march reflection

My Wim Hof breathing journey continues. I got pass 3 minutes on my exhaled breath holds a couple times last month.

I didn’t expect this, but my eye sight has improved. I can read some things that I couldn’t before. I’m more focused and my memory seems sharper. The technique is suppose to reduce inflammation, improve circulation and the immune system. Acid is reduced and your body becomes alkaline. What I love is this is not dependent on the “buy a pill” culture. You might say I’m living off the pharma grid

Wim Hof has gained control over his autonomic nervous system. For example, he can control his body temperature. I find this both fascinating and frightening.

The Vermont winter spring dance is in full swing. The daffodils are trying to get started, it snowed most of the day yesterday and started raining this morning. The grand finale will be a line of severe thunder storms sweeping through at the end of the day.